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  Motivational Speaking 101 While I don't claim to be (anywhere near) the best Personal Development Speaker in the world, if you were to Google the search term Motivational Speaker you would typically find that my name usually comes out somewhere near the very top of the list of about two million matches. Now, let me quickly add that this fact has pretty much nothing to do with my speaking skills or my profile, and everything to do with Johnnie's ability to do what he does with those amazing tech skills of his. I don't really understand how he does it, but I do know that he's good and I'm glad he's on my team. The two most obvious consequences of this Google ranking are: a) I get a bunch of speaking work (nice). Thanks Baldy. b) I get a bunch of emails from people who want advice on how to become a Personal Development/Motivational Speaker (not necessarily the same thing), like this one I received the other day.... Hi Craig, The area that I am interested in is P

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